Omeka Reflection Week #2

Write a few sentences to reflect on the process of setting up your subdomain and Omeka Classic application. Did you get stuck at any part of the installation process? Did you explore other parts of Omeka Classic? How did you decide which photos to upload for this week’s exercise?  Lastly, search the internet for one example of a website that uses Omeka (Classic or S) and provide a link to this website in your post. What do you like about this specific example?

Did you get stuck at any part of the installation process?

During the installation process of Omeka, I can’t really say I’d encounter any major issues. However navigating the subdomain page on cPanel wasn’t exactly straightforward since they had a completely different UI compared to what was shown in the tutorial video.

Did you explore other parts of Omeka Classic?

Yes, I took a skim at some of the other features. I found that you can organize your research quite well with the collections and item type functions. It seems like you can present your research in the form of text, images, video & audio. You can show your data in the form of a timeline and organize your data into categories which can be searchable by others.

How did you decide which photos to upload for this week’s exercise?

I was planning on baking these Pillsbury cookies during the same time and decided to take a photo of the baking sheet. The second photo shows me wake surfing, I randomly found it on my computer so I thought that one would be cool.

Lastly, search the internet for one example of a website that uses Omeka (Classic or S) and provide a link to this website in your post. What do you like about this specific example?

I search online the most visited sites that use Omeka and it turns out U of Toronto website ( is up there. This is not surprising considering the size of the school and how Omeka is a great resource for educational institutions. For example, universities often have vast collections of historical documents, images, and other artifacts. Omeka allows these collections to be digitized, cataloged, and displayed online in an organized manner. This feature is particularly useful for libraries, archives, and museums associated with the university. In addition, Omeka can facilitate interdisciplinary projects, where students and faculty from different departments collaborate on digital exhibits (sort of like what we are doing in this class). This fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation within the university.


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